Safety Tips to Keep in Mind When Traveling During the Pandemic
Date Posted:22 August 2022

People may be able to travel throughout Australia as COVID-19 restrictions ease in some areas. However, the decisions you make in the coming months may expose you to the virus unnecessarily.
The government continues to advise people to avoid unnecessary domestic travel. Some states and territories have implemented local measures, and you should review the state and territory specific information at the end of this guide to learn about current domestic travel restrictions.
If you must travel, follow these precautions to reduce your exposure to COVID-19 and protect your health.
Check if it is safe to travel for you
Travel safety during the outbreak is determined by the circumstances of each individual. The level of travel risk is affected by factors such as overall health, age, underlying conditions, and the areas visited.
COVID-19 complications are more likely in people who have certain pre-existing conditions. Those with respiratory disorders, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular illnesses, cancer, immunosuppression, or other chronic illnesses should reconsider traveling anywhere where there is risk.
Check your destination
Travelers should consider the state in which they intend to travel as well as the number of current cases. In states with higher infection rates, extra precautions may be required. You can find up-to-date information here.
Safety measures when traveling amidst pandemic
It should go without saying, but it bears repeating: WEAR A MASK. This, along with frequently washing/sanitizing your hands and keeping at least six feet between yourself and those outside your party, are the best ways to prevent infection. When traveling, make sure to follow these guidelines as much as possible.
1. Do not use unwashed hands to touch your face.
If you haven't had a chance to wash your hands after being out in public, never touch your eyes, nose, mouth, or any other part of your face until your hands are clean. COVID-19 has been shown to live on surfaces for hours, and you can easily contract it if you touch an infected object and then touch your face. Masks are required to be worn in some states.
2. As much as possible, avoid crowds.
When you're in a crowd, it's difficult to maintain the recommended 1.5 metre social distance. Avoid any events or locations with a large number of people, such as crowded stores. This is especially important if you are visiting a state with a high number of coronavirus cases. If you are unable to socially distance yourself sufficiently, you may wish to consider wearing a face mask to reduce your risk.
3. Use the COVIDSafe app.
Although participation is entirely voluntary, it is strongly advised to download the COVIDSafe app in order to receive prompt notifications if you have been exposed to someone who may have COVID-19. This will give you the opportunity to get tested early, speak with a medical provider, and, if necessary, self-isolate.
4. Carry a basic hygiene kit.
Hand sanitizer, disposable and reusable masks, and disinfectant wipes should all be included in this kit. This is useful in situations where there are no hand washing facilities available.
5. Frequently touched objects should be cleaned.
Make sure to disinfect any objects you frequently touch. Clean frequently touched objects with disinfectant wipes, especially smartphones and anything else you handle on a regular basis, such as sunglasses or your wallet or purse.
By following these guidelines, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19 while traveling within the country.