Dangerous Goods Info

When purchasing products designated as Dangerous Goods, it is important to understand that they need to be handled with care. On our labels you will see that they are compliant to the Globally Harmonised System(GHS) which was implemented from the 1st January 2017. The purpose of the GHS is to communicate and classify chemical hazards that are found on the chemical’s Safety Data Sheet.
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) has replaced the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) as of the 1st January 2017. The SDS is a document which provides important information on chemical safety, disposal, properties, transport and more. It is important to have a hard copy of your product’s SDS so that you are able to handle appropriately and treat in case of an emergency.
The SDS for all of each of our products can be downloaded directly from the Safety & First Aid tab in any the relevant eBay listing.
Below are all the GHS pictograms with their meanings.
Source: https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/chemicals/whmis_ghs/pictograms.html
We hope this information helps you to be safe and prepared if an accident were to occur.
If you have trouble finding the right one, or can’t download it for any reason, please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist.